Early childhood services

young child balancing globe of world on head

Are you an early years educator? Darebin have some great resources to help you deliver quality education and care programs.

Support and resources for early childhood services

Our Children and Community Development Unit has a range of resources to support services to deliver strong, inclusive, quality education and care programs.

There are more than 70 education and care services, including long day care and kindergarten within Darebin.

We are committed to expanding out delivery of quality universal services.

The programs and strategies below help you deliver strong, inclusive, quality education and care, and provide the best possible environment and experiences for children.

Early Childhood Communities of Practice

  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
  • Sustainability
  • Respectful Relationships and Gender Equity

For more information contact: earlyyears.training@darebin.vic.gov.au

Support for not-for-profit committees of management

Networks and Training

Support with strategic planning for early years services

Early Years Committee of Management Network
Email: earlyyears.training@darebin.vic.gov.au

Key agencies and peak bodies

Early Learning Association Australia

Community Child Care

Department of Education and Training