Food stalls, temporary and mobile food premises

Food truck

All mobile and temporary food premises based in Darebin must be registered with us, regardless of whether they are profitable, non-profitable or charity organisations.

The Victorian Food Act allows temporary and mobile food businesses throughout Victoria to use the state-wide registration and notification portal called Food Trader.

A temporary food premises registration or notification is required for food sold or served at events regardless of whether they are profitable, non-profitable or charity organisations. Events include festivals, markets, single temporary stalls, fetes or sausage sizzles.

What are temporary or mobile food premises?

“Temporary food premises” are defined as:

  • a tent, stall or other structure that is not permanently fixed to a site; or
  •  a permanent structure not owned or leased by the food business that operates the premises and in which food is handled for sale or from which food is sold by that business on an occasional basis only.

“Mobile food premises” are vehicles such as vans, trailers or carts from which food is sold.

Under the state-wide system, you are required to nominate which Local Government Council would be primarily responsible for approving your food handling operations. This will be referred to as your “Principal Council” and this single registration will allow you to operate throughout Victoria. Depending on the type of food handling activities, you may be required to maintain a food safety program and have a food safety supervisor or you may only need to complete a Notification to Operate Form.

For more information refer to the DHS website Food trucks, vans and market stalls (

Who is my principal council?

The principal council is determined by the municipality where you:

  • prepare or store food that is to be sold at the stall or food van
  • if food is not usually prepared or stored beforehand by the organisation (e.g. if it is donated by volunteers) - the municipality in which the group usually stores the equipment for the stall or garages the food van
  • if none of the above apply - the district in which the usual business address for the group is located
  • if none of the above are in Victoria - the district in which the stall or food van will first operate in Victoria.

Once you have determined your principal council make contact with the relevant council and follow their registration or notification procedures.

My principal council is the City of Darebin

Firstly you need to determine your business classification as defined under the Food Act 1984 which can be found using the following link: Food Business Classification.

Once you have determined your classification you will need to contact Darebin’s Health Protection Unit on 03 8470 8658 to arrange registration or notification. All temporary food stalls and mobile food businesses are requirement to meet all food safety requirements. 

Class 2

Class 2 food premises are those that handle unpackaged high risk foods which need correct temperature control during the food handling process - including cooking and storage - to keep them safe.

These businesses must register with their principle Council, they may also be requested to complete a Food Safety Program and at least one person within the business must be a suitably qualified Food Safety Supervisor.

Class 3

Class 3 food premises are those whose main activities involve the sale of foods not commonly associated with food poisoning. This includes the supply or handling of unpackaged low risk foods, or sale of pre-packaged potentially hazardous foods which simply need refrigeration to keep them safe. These businesses require registration under the Food Act 1984 and may also be requested to submit plans for officer approval.

Class 3A

Class 3A food premises are those whose main activities involve the sale of food is made using a hot-fill process resulting in a product such as chutney, relish, salsa, tomato sauce or any other similar food.

Class 4

Class 4 food premises are those whose food handling activities pose low risk to public health.

These businesses are required to submit a notification to their “Principal Council”.

A lot of great food safety resources and training material can be found on the Department of Health’s food safety website – including the interactive food safety tool Do Food Safely.


FoodTrader is a centralised database that allows registered food businesses to operate throughout Victoria, this database replaces the previous Streatrader database.

On FoodTrader you can:

  • notify or apply for a registration with your council
  • manage your renewal of registration each year
  • Complete and submit a Statement of trade or ‘SOT’.

Once we have approved your notification or application for registration, you can submit a SOT on the FoodTrader system.

Make sure you have your Food Act registration or notification certificate when you are trading, as our health officers may ask you to produce them. If you fail to lodge statements of trade, you may incur a penalty.

Combining temporary food premises with a fixed food premises

If you have registered a fixed food premises where you prepare or store food that is to be sold from a temporary food premises, you can register with the same Council where your permanent business is registered.

Will I need any other permits?

If you wish to operate on Darebin owned land, an Itinerant Traders Permit from us is required in order to sell goods. Please contact Darebin Local Laws Unit on 03 8470 8888.

For any queries relating to food registration or statement of trade please contact the Health Protection Unit on 03 8470 8658.

More information on the requirements for temporary and mobile food premises is available on the Department of Health website.

Further Information

Health Protection
Phone: 03 8470 8658