Local laws

Streetscape with cars driving in Northcote

Find Local Law details on governance, general, tree protection, mobile traders, charity collectors and skip bins.

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Governance Local Law

Councils Governance Rules set out the procedures for the conduct of Council and Delegated Committees to ensure they are conducted in a fair, orderly and effective manner.

Council’s current Council Meeting Governance Local Law No. 1 of 2020 includes provisions relating to the use of the Council’s Common Seal (Chapter 2) and Infringements Notices imposable for certain matters and behaviour by meeting attendees (Chapter 3). The Local Government Act 2020 requires that the Common Seal of Council must be used in accordance with any applicable local law and that to remain enforceable, any penalty / infringement imposed by Council must be made under a local law. Accordingly, although Section 4 of this Local Law ceased to apply on the 20 July 2020, the Common Seal and Infringement Notice provisions in the current local law have been retained and remain operative in conjunction with the Governance Rules as applicable.

Council meeting governance rules (meeting procedure and common seal) local law 2020 (Local Law No. 1 of 2020)(PDF, 994KB)

General Local Law

The General Local Law covers amenity and nuisance issues such as ‘burning-off’, selling goods, advertising signs and the keeping of animals.

General Local Law 2015(PDF, 358KB) (Local Law No.1 of 2015) is made under Part 5, Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1989.

The objectives of the Local Law are to provide for the:

  1. Protection, safe and fair use and enjoyment of Council property
  2. Protection of the visual amenity of the municipality to a standard that meets the general expectations of the community
  3. Keeping and control of animals, on land and on Council property and
  4. Uniform and fair administration and enforcement of this Local Law.

Incorporated documents

Local Law fact sheets

Tree protection local law

The purpose of this Local Law is to protect and enhance the urban character, by regulating tree removal and pruning of trees on private property.

Tree Protection on Private Property Local Law No. 01 of 2019.

This Local Law is made under Section 111(1) of the Local Government Act 1989.

The objectives of this Local Law are to ensure that the urban forest is healthy, safe, provides amenity and increases liveability for the community by:

  • prohibiting, regulating and controlling activities that could be a risk or endanger protected trees in the Municipal District; and
  • applying controls which will complement other controls being applied by the Council to maintain and protect trees in the Municipal District.

Find out more about the Tree protection local law 2019(PDF, 238KB).

For the management of tree protection on private property policy 2019 visit our Policies and strategies page

Visit our Tree page for more general information and to apply for a tree protection permit.

Mobile traders

Mobile or Itinerant traders are mobile food vans, ice cream vendors, mobile flower sellers etc.

Traders (such as mobile food vans, ice cream vendors and mobile flower sellers) must obtain a Mobile vendor permit(PDF, 175KB) from us in order to sell goods or services.

Conditions do apply, for instance public liability insurance must be obtained prior to trade.

Traders must not conduct business within a 500m radius of an established business (business trading from a building) whose prime product is of a similar nature. Traders must comply with all health and traffic regulations.

Permit fees (per year):

Itinerant Traders $2,650.00

Permit period is 1 July to 30 June each year.

Will I need any other permits?

Have a look to see if you will need any other business related permits.

Charity collectors

Charities are required to obtain permission from us prior to conducting any fundraising activities.

Fundraising permits allow charities to collect pledge donations and funds within the City of Darebin.

Permits are issued by the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association. Pledge permits are only offered to charities registered with the PFRA.

Intersection collections

Charities are required to obtain permission from us prior to conducting any intersection collections. A maximum of two intersection collection per calendar year will be approved for each charity. Intersection collections can only be conducted at intersections where neither intersecting road is above 60km/h.

Intersections on the border of more than one council must have approval from all councils.

Once permission has been granted, the charity will be supplied with a 'Letter of no objection' from us which must be submitted with the application to the Victorian Police before they can conduct a collection.

Other fundraising activities

Please contact council to discuss any other fundraising activity.

More Information

Customer Service
Phone: 03 8470 8888

Skip bins

A permit is required before placing a skip bin on public roads or land within Darebin.

Failing to obtain a permit prior to proceeding with the work or complying with council guidelines will incur penalties and fines. Please ensure you read through the 2023/2024 bulk rubbish containers - guidelines for suppliers(PDF, 115KB).

Apply for a skip bin permit

Applying for a Skip Bin permit will require a copy of your company's public liability insurance.

Unlimited skip bin placement contracts: notification required for placement

Companies that hold an unlimited bin placement contract must notify Darebin City Council at least 24 hours prior to bin placement by using the notification form below.

Notification for skip bin placement on Council land

Skip bins can only be placed for a maximum for 7 days.

More Information

Customer Service
Phone: 03 8470 8888