Please call ahead to confirm hours before you visit the tip this week on 03 8470 8888
There are a number of organisations in Darebin that support young people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
If you identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, there are a number of organisations in Darebin that can support you.
The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) provides a variety of services, including medical and dental clinics, counselling and community programs.
VAHS Fitzroy and Epping are open and available to help. The Preston clinic is currently closed but family counselling services are available over the phone and through video consults. Please call 03 9403 3300 or visit the VAHS website for more details.
Address: 238-250 Plenty Rd, Preston, 3072 Phone: 03 9403 3300 After-hours locum service: 132 660
The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) is the lead Aboriginal child and family welfare organisation in Victoria. It protects and promote the rights of Aboriginal children and young people.
Address: 340 Bell St, Preston, 3072 Phone: 03 9287 8800
The Bert Williams Aboriginal Youth Services (BWAYS) is managed by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL). They provide crisis accommodation, a justice program and an early school leavers program.
Address: 21 Normandy Avenue, Thornbury Phone: 03 9484 5310