National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

National Sorry Day is an annual ceremonial event. Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June) commences the day after Sorry Day.

National Sorry Day

An Australia-wide observance held on May 26 each year. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities. Stolen generations refer to Indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families and communities.

National Reconciliation Week (NRW)

Celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June and commemorates two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey: the anniversaries of the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision. The week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation effort