Object to a Council fine

Person using computer

Object to a parking, local laws, health, planning or animal related fine.

If you believe you have grounds for special consideration you may apply for an internal review of your infringement prior to the due date of the notice.

If you are not the owner or weren't the driver, find out how to nominate another driver(PDF, 279KB) before submitting any applications.

You may lodge an objection to your infringement online below. If you have already submitted a request for review of your infringement, please call us on 03 8470 8888 for an update. Do not submit another review application.

Submit an objection for:

Parking fine appeal or extension
Nominating another driver(PDF, 279KB)
Local law or Planning fine objection or extension
Animal fine appeal or extension

You can also download and complete the application for internal review form(PDF, 228KB).

What you need to provide

Evidence to support your claims should be provided with your application. Examples of supporting evidence can include, but are not limited to:

  • a copy of a relevant parking permit
  • medical reports relating to the date of the offence
  • hospital admission documentation
  • bank statements demonstrating a required payment
  • police statements or reports
  • travel documentation
  • identification documents.

Please provide as much information and supporting documentation as you can. You can only request one internal review for each infringement.

Under legislation the Mayor and Councillors are unable to have any involvement in City of Darebin's administrative functions and are therefore unable to respond to letters about any fines.

What happens after you apply for a review?

Once you submit your request, your fine will be placed on hold. No further fees will be added.

the review will consider:

  • the circumstances outlined in your appeal, and any supporting documentation provided
  • the information collected by the issuing officer
  • requirements under the relevant legislation
  • any other information relevant to the infringement.

Once a decision has been made, you will receive notice of the outcome by post to the address provided in your application.

When deciding on a review, Council may:

  • request additional information be provided
  • uphold and confirm the decision to issue the infringement notice. In this case a new due date for payment will be provided
  • withdraw the infringement notice and take no further action
  • withdraw the infringement notice and issue an Official Warning
  • withdraw the infringement notice and refer the matter to the Magistrates Court.

Grounds for internal review

You can request an internal review for one of the following reasons:

Contrary to law

The fine is invalid or was improperly issued to you.

You can apply under this ground if you believe that Council’s decision to fine you was inconsistent with the law. For example:

  • the officer who issued the fine acted unlawfully, improperly or outside their authority
  • the fine does not comply with the legal requirements of an infringement notice.

Exceptional circumstances

There was an extraordinary or unavoidable situation outside of your control. For example, a medical emergency or vehicle breakdown.

You will need to provide evidence such as hospital admission or vehicle towing, or roadside assistance receipts is required to support your case.

Mistake of identity

The fine was issued to the wrong person. Use this reason if you have evidence to show you were not the person who committed the offence. For example:

you are not the person involved and listed on the infringement notice

you have the same name as another person and the wrong person received the fine.

This review ground does not apply to parking fines where someone else was driving your car at the time of the offence. To nominate another driver complete known user nomination statement(PDF, 279KB).

Person unaware

You did not know about the fine. You can request a review under this ground if all of the following apply:

  • you have received a penalty reminder notice
  • you found out about the fine within the last 14 days
  • the fine was not personally given to you by an officer.

If you moved house but you did not change your authorised address with the relevant agency (for example, VicRoads) within 14 days of moving, your application may not be successful.

Your application may not be successful without evidence showing you did not know about the fine. This could be:

  • a copy of your passport or boarding pass showing you were overseas
  • an invoice from a removalist showing that you recently moved house
  • a VicRoads address change confirmation
  • a report about mail theft.
  • You must submit your application within 14 days of the date you knew about the fine.

If your application is successful, any fees added to your fine will be removed. You will be given a further 21 days to deal with your fine.

Special circumstances

You had significantly reduced capacity to either understand or control the conduct that led to the

  • A mental or intellectual disability, disorder, disease or illness.
  • A serious addiction to drugs, alcohol or a volatile substance.
  • Homelessness.
  • Family violence.
  • A long-term condition or circumstance.

You will need to provide evidence from a qualified practitioner or agency to support your application. For more information on what is required and how to apply, see: Special Circumstances

Nominate another driver

If you have received a parking infringement and you were not driving at the time of the offence, complete a known user nomination statemen(PDF, 279KB) to tell us who was driving. We will ask you for the driver’s details and also your own details. If your nomination is accepted, the fine will be re-issued to the other driver to pay.

Magistrates' Court

If you have been issued with an infringement notice, you can choose to have the matter heard at court.

Before you apply to go to court, consider requesting a review instead. The outcomes of a court hearing can be different from an infringement notice. Additional fees may be added, and your options may change. Consider seeking legal advice before electing to go to court.

When you can go to court

Check the stage your fine is at. This can be found at the top of your most recent notice.

If your fine is at infringement notice, or penalty reminder notice stage, you can apply to have your matter heard in the Magistrates' Court (or the Children's Court if you are under 18 years of age).

If your infringement has already escalated to the Magistrates’ Court or Fines Victoria, you cannot apply to Council to go to Court. You need to contact the Court or Fines Victoria directly.

What happens after you apply?

If your application to go to court is accepted:

  • the matter will be listed at the Magistrates' Court (or the Children's Court if you are under 18 years of age)
  • you will be notified or a date, time and location when you may need to appear before the court. This is called a hearing.

If you don't go to your hearing, the court can decide the matter in your absence.

What happens at the court hearing?

The magistrate will hear your case. They may decide to:

  • record a conviction if they find you guilty
  • issue you with a new fine (the penalty may be either more, the same, or less, than the amount on your Infringement Notice)
  • dismiss or discharge your case
  • adjourn (delay) the matter
  • order you to do unpaid community work.

Apply for a court hearing

If you want to take your matter to court complete the known user nomination statement / request for court hearing form(PDF, 279KB) to request a court hearing.

Please include:

  • your infringement number
  • your name
  • your postal address.

Application can be submitted by email to mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au or in person via one of our customer service centres.

Family Violence Scheme

If you need help with your fines due to being affected by family violence, the Family Violence Scheme may be able to help you. The scheme allows you to apply to have your fines withdrawn if family violence substantially contributed to the offence or it is not safe for you to name the person responsible for the offence.

To apply, complete the Family Violence Scheme Application on Family Violence Scheme (fines.vic.gov.au)

More information

Customer Service
Phone: 03 8470 8888
Email: mailbox@darebin.vic.gov.au

Additional information available at Fines Victoria