Climate emergency declaration and plan

Darebin Council Plan

Darebin was the first government anywhere in the world to declare a Climate Emergency. Here's what that means.

On 5 December 2016, Darebin Council unanimously voted to recognise we are in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local councils.

We are already experiencing more severe and frequent floods, storms, mega bushfires, droughts and heatwaves. Northern Australia has become wetter; southern Australia has become drier. In Darebin we are experiencing more days of above 35°C which disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable community members.

These changes are the result of the build-up of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane in our atmosphere. This is largely due to our heavy reliance on burning fossil fuels (petrol, gas and coal) for energy generation, and in transport, agriculture and construction.

This Snapshot Report shows the main sources of emissions in Darebin.

Darebin’s Climate Emergency Plan outlines the leadership, advocacy and mobilisation directions this Council is taking to respond urgently, and at the scale required to address the climate emergency.

This plan has, at its heart, the understanding that we can find the solutions locally, nationally and globally by working together.

Since Darebin Council’s historic climate emergency declaration, we have continued calling for urgent state and federal action on climate change. We have outlined five key demands relating to renewable energy, electric vehicles, construction and the use of recycled materials for roads, footpaths, products and packaging, to help Australia achieve zero emissions by 2030.

Have your say on Darebin's Climate Emergency Plan (2024-2030)

Darebin Council has a proud history of tackling climate change. In our new Climate Emergency Plan, we step up our efforts to reduce emissions, while keeping our community safe and helping our city thrive.

In 2022 we consulted with more than 1,000 members of the Darebin community, climate experts, Traditional Owners and Custodians and Council’s advisory groups to help us develop this new draft Climate Emergency Plan.

Four core pillars were identified through this process: Caring for Country, Towards Zero Emissions Darebin, Community Resilience, and Innovation and Leadership.

We have developed goals and actions under each of these pillars to guide our response until 2030. Tell us what you think of them until 7 April 2024.

Find out more or have your say on the draft Climate Emergency Plan

Get involved

While it can feel overwhelming at times, there’s so much we can each do to act on climate change. When we all play our part, we inspire each other and our impact grows.

Find out more about what you can do to get involved with our advocacy projects.

Want more information on climate change?

Watch our work so far and our aims for the climate work to come:

Darebin's Climate Emergency Journey video