Move to electric transport

Charging an electric vehicle at home

Bikes, cars, vans – switch to electric and ride or drive into the clean energy future.

Electric vehicles are cleaner, quieter and cheaper to run than a standard petrol or diesel car. And if you have solar panels, you can charge your electric bike or car with clean, free energy at home.

Electric bikes

Many people in Darebin have already discovered the joy of e-bikes, using them for childcare and school runs, work commutes, shopping and more. E-bikes are a great option for riding up those steep hills, or to give you a boost when travelling longer distances without breaking a sweat.

If you want to carry kids, shopping, pets or larger loads, an electric cargo bike could be a great option for you. Electric cargo bikes can usually carry up to 60kg on their rear racks, or in the front box – with some heavy-duty models carrying up to 250kg. Some workplaces offer salary packaging or other support for purchasing an e-bike. You can also look at rental or lease options for more flexibility.

Many people are choosing to replace their car with an electric bike.

If you’re tempted to get an e-bike but you don’t know where to start, watch our e-bike Q and A recording featuring a range of e-bike users and providers. We answer all your questions including:

  • How affordable are e-bikes?
  • What options are there for carrying kids, shopping and pets?
  • Should I convert my existing bike?
  • Could I really replace my car?

You can also check out this article by Choice to get a better understanding of your different options.

For more information and support including free monthly bike checks, bike skills workshops, handy maps and more check out our bike riding and walking page.

Electric cars and vans

If you’re looking at buying a new car, there’s never been a better time to think electric.

Leasing an electric vehicle

New Australian tax laws introduced late in 2022 can make buying a new electric vehicle through a novated lease much more affordable. Check with your employer to see if novated leases are one of your employee benefits.

New pollution standards

In April 2023, the Federal Government announced they will soon be implementing fuel efficiency standards, which outline how much pollution – specifically, carbon dioxide – cars sold in Australia can produce. This will encourage car makers to import more low-carbon cars like electric vehicles - meaning there will be many more, and cheaper, car options coming soon.

Charging options for electric vehicles

The cheapest and easiest way to charge your electric vehicle is at home if you have access to off-street parking. If you have solar panels, make the most of your free power by charging during the day.

If you don’t have access to off-street parking, you can find out more about where you can charge your electric car for free with 100% renewable energy in Darebin – check out Plug Share for general charging options.

Darebin has developed an Electric Vehicle Charging Policy that encourages electric car and bike charging in new developments, as well as setting guidelines for how we will facilitate the expansion of the public EV charging network in Darebin.

Buying an imported or used electric vehicle

You might like to check out The Good Car Company who import new and second-hand electric vehicles and were set up to make more electric vehicles accessible to more people. In 2022, we supported Darebin Climate Action Now with a community grant to organise a northern Melbourne bulk buy from The Good Car Company.

More information

If you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact us.

Climate Emergency and Sustainable Transport