Buying green

Lady shopping with sustainable packaging

Buying green is making a choice to purchase products and services that are less damaging to the environment. The decision you make can make a big difference to our environment!

Council is an active member of the ECO-buy program, encouraging residents and staff to consider their environmental impact when purchasing household appliances, services and office equipment.Here are some tips to help you buy green:

  • Select products with four star or higher energy ratings. The higher the efficiency of the product, the more it will lower your electricity bills and help the environment.
  • Choose AAAA or higher water efficient appliances – an easy way to save water and money.
  • Look for products made from recycled materials and packaging. Recycled and reused products mean no raw resources are used and cut down on the waste we produce. Even better, use a reusable container for food and drinks.
  • Look for fuel efficient options when buying a car. Cars are one of the biggest expenses for a household and a big source of carbon pollution. The better the millage, the more money in your pocket.
  • Use sustainable transport where you can. Walking and riding are free and healthy.
  • Reduce your waste through recycling and composting. Recycling is a great way to help improve the environment by diverting waste from landfill. Composting is easy and turns food waste into valuable nutrients for your garden.
  • Buy environmentally friendly cleaning products to cut down on powerful chemicals in your home and the sewers. An equally clean home without the chemical smell!
  • Use a reusable bag instead of plastic when shopping and remember to use it often. Reusable bags are a great way to cut down on plastic waste, but not if they’re sitting at home while you’re at the shops!
  • Buy local products and services. Farmers markets and local suppliers reduce the transport needed to get produce to your table, and helps our your local small-scale farmers.
  • Create a vegetable garden to grow fruit, vegetables and herbs at your own home. A delicious alternative to a trip to the supermarket.

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Environmental Sustainability