First Nations swim teacher program

Published on 20 February 2023

People part of the First Nations swim teacher program

A new program supporting First Nations people to become swim teachers.

A pilot program supporting First Nations people to become swim teachers has kicked off in a unique partnership between Reservoir Leisure Centre, Darebin’s Jobs Advocates program and Swim Jobs Victoria.

Aboriginal Jobs Advocate, Lisa Forbes, led the initiative, and said the atmosphere at the swim teacher training sessions was amazing.

“It’s gold! It’s precious to see this athletic, talented and quick-thinking mob – who all know how to swim – train so they can become swim teachers and lifeguards," Lisa said.

Most of the seven trainees are set to interview for jobs at the Reservoir Leisure Centre in the coming weeks.

Deadly Sports, Australia’s only First Nations owned and run first aid business, also provided first aid training to the aspiring swim teachers, using storytelling to teach vital lifesaving skills.

The result of collaboration across Council, State Government and community-based organisations, the program highlighted the value of Jobs Advocates in supporting disadvantaged and marginalised members of the community into meaningful employment.

To find out more about the Jobs Advocates and swim programs, contact Lisa Forbes or Philip OBrien

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