Pets and fireworks

Larger dog hiding from loud fireworks

The sudden, loud sound of fireworks can be a source of anxiety and fear for pets.

New Year's Eve is a festive time of year when people all over the world come together to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. For many, this celebration includes fireworks displays, which are a beautiful and traditional way to ring in the New Year. However, for pet owners, the sound of fireworks can be a source of anxiety and fear for their furry friends.

Pets are often frightened by the loud noises and bright flashes of fireworks, and this can lead to a range of negative behaviours. Dogs may bark, whimper, or even try to escape from their homes or yards. Cats may hide or become aggressive. Even smaller pets, such as birds or rodents, may become stressed by the noise and disruption of fireworks displays.

Keep your pets secure

To help your pets cope with New Year's Eve fireworks, there are several steps you can take. First, it's important to create a safe and secure environment for your pets.

This may mean keeping them inside your home, in a room with the doors and windows closed, and providing them with a cosy bed or hiding spot where they can feel safe and secure. If your pets are particularly anxious, you may want to consider using a crate or carrier to provide them with a sense of security.

Distract them

Another way to help your pets cope with fireworks is to provide them with distractions. This might mean turning on some soothing music, providing them with a favourite toy or treat, or engaging them in play. You may also want to consider using a pheromone diffuser or calming collar to help reduce their anxiety.

If you are away

If you're planning to attend a fireworks display, it's important to make sure your pets are safe while you're away. You may want to hire a pet sitter or ask a friend or family member to check on your pets while you're out. Alternatively, you may want to consider leaving your pets with a boarding facility or pet hotel, where they can be cared for by professionals who understand their needs.

New Year's Eve fireworks can be a source of anxiety for pets, but with the right precautions and care, you can help your furry friends feel safe and secure during this festive time of year. By providing them with a comfortable and secure environment, distractions, and appropriate care, you can help your pets enjoy the celebrations alongside you.