Plastic-free Darebin

lady using paper straw

We have resolved to eliminate single-use plastics, and we support local business to do the same.

We say no to single-use plastic! We’re taking action to reduce the harm, waste and pollution caused by single-use plastic items.

Every piece of plastic that has ever been made still exists somewhere in the world. Plastic is designed to last forever, yet every day we use many plastic products that are thrown away after only a few minutes. Much of this plastic ends up in landfill or as litter in our environment. It is estimated that eight million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in freshwater and marine environments each year; polluting water and harming wildlife.

Statewide single-use plastics ban

Victoria's ban on the sale and supply of single-use plastic items has commenced on 1 February 2023.

Banned items are single-use plastic drinking straws, cutlery, plates, drink-stirrers, cotton buds, and expanded polystyrene food and drink containers.

Free resources and information sessions for businesses are provided by the Victorian Government. Visit single-use plastics ban website and Sustainability Victoria. Businesses can also access the Plastic Free Darebin Business Guide(PDF, 2MB) for more tips and alternatives to single-use plastics.

Our community can help support businesses by bringing your own reusable containers when ordering food. Keep some reusable cutlery in your bag so that when you do order a takeaway lunch you can say no to single use cutlery or dine in and enjoy your coffee and meal sitting down in a café.

Darebin's single-use plastic free events policy

On 5 June 2017, Council resolved to eliminate single-use plastic items in an eight-part resolution.

As part of this resolution, on 26 February 2018 Council endorsed a new Single-use Plastic Free Events Policy to eliminate single-use plastic products at events run by Council and events held on Council land. The policy extends to all council owned buildings, venues and roads and aims to reduce the harm caused by single-use plastic products.

The policy outlines our commitment to:

  • eliminate single-use plastic bags
  • eliminate single-use plastic plates, bowls, cups, straws, cutlery and take away food containers
  • eliminate bottled water, and provide alternative, free access to water
  • avoid plastic packaging
  • eliminate balloons at events
  • reuse event materials where possible
  • educate and guide event staff and audience on single-use plastic free practices

Read the Single-Use Plastic Free Events Policy.

We have welcomed the statewide shopping bag ban which commenced in November 2019. We'll continue our advocacy to the Victorian Government for more actions, but we'll also be working with our community - our residents and traders - to support and encourage them to make a commitment to eliminating single-use plastic.

Support for local businesses

The Plastic Free Darebin Business Guide is now available. The practical guide was developed in consultation with our local businesses, and will help them eliminate single-use plastics in their operations. It includes information about alternative products to single-use plastics, steps to go single-use plastic free, a waste audit template, and more.

Wangim is a community-led initiative funded by Darebin City Council which aims to remove the need for single-use cups. Wangim is the local Woiwurrung word for boomerang, and, just like a boomerang, the program works by having customers collect their coffee in a special takeaway Wangim mug and then returning it to a participating café on their next trip. To find out more, visit Wangim website and watch the Wangim Cups in action at Rhubarb Rhubarb Organics and Outer Circle Social Club.

Our Sustainable Business team offers support and advice on a range of matters including energy and waste. Through our annual Sustainability Matters event, traders are able to connect with other local sustainable businesses.

Plastic-free July

Plastic-free July aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic items we use, and challenges us to do something about it. You can help reduce plastic consumption by taking one simple action a week, or say no to all single-use plastics for a day, a week or the whole month.

Here are some ideas for everyday actions to reduce single-use plastic waste:

  • Take your reusable cup to the café next time you’re buying a takeaway coffee or tea. You can also help spread the word by encouraging your friends to bring their reusable cup too, or asking your local café to become a responsible café.
  • Bring your own containers for your takeaway lunch and shopping at deli to avoid meals and other items pre-packaged in plastic. You don't need a new container - just reuse what you already have.
  • It takes between three to seven litres of water and one litre of oil to make just one litre of bottled water
  • Choose tap water and carry a refillable water bottle with you. Don’t know where to fill up? Find your closest water refilling station.
  • Go plastic packaging free and try a ‘nude’ food lunch. Ditch the plastic wrap and use a lunchbox or fabric wrap for your sandwich instead.

To sign up for the Plastic Free July challenge and for more info, tips and hints, visit the Plastic Free July website.

Watch our Plastic Free Darebin video.