Enrolling to vote

If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 or over at the time of an election, you must enrol to vote by 4pm Wednesday 7 August 2024. Find out how to enrol or check your enrolment.

Am I enrolled to vote?

You are already enrolled to vote if:

  • You will be 18 years of age or over on election day and
  • You live in the City of Darebin and are on the Victorian State roll for your current address.

To check if your details are up to date on the Victorian State Roll, visit VEC website's enrolment page.

You need to enrol with the VEC if:

  • You are an Australian citizen aged 18 or over on election day and
  • You live in the City of Darebin and you are not on the State electoral roll or
  • You have lived at your present residential address within the City of Darebin for at least a month and have not updated your enrolment details, including any changes to your postal address

Enrol online at vec.vic.gov.au or pick up a form at any post office and return it to the Victorian Electoral Commission.

You may also apply to Council to enrol if you:

  • are 18 years of age and over on election day and
  • own a rateable property in the municipality and you are not enrolled as a non-resident owner and/or non Australian citizen or
  • pay rates on a property occupied or lease specifies that you are liable to pay rates (for example, as a shop tenant) or
  • are appointed by a company that pays rates

If you meet the above criteria and wish to enrol, contact please contact us on 03 8470 8888 or complete and submit the applicable form below:

Enrolment forms:

Further information about Enrolling for local council elections and the types of enrolment, can be found on the VEC Website.

How can I check my enrolment?

If you are an Australian citizen who lives in the City of Darebin, you can check your enrolment details online at vec.vic.gov.au at any time, or call 1300 805 478. If you are not an Australian citizen or you are a non-resident, contact Council on 03 8470 8888.