Food safety training for food handlers

Chef preparing a pizza in a commercial kitcken

It is important that all food handlers working in food business are trained to understand food safety.

Food laws require that all class 1, 2 and 3A food businesses have a competent Food Safety Supervisor.

The person nominated as the business's Food Safety Supervisor must have completed formal food safety training through a recognised training organisation (RTO). When competent, the person will receive a "Statement of Attainment" from the RTO to confirm that they are the skills and knowledge to be a Food Safety Supervisor.

Their role will be to supervisor all food handlers in the business, they will oversee the following:

  • safe food handling including temperature control
  • preventing contamination - through food storage, processing and display
  • cleaning and sanitising
  • personal hygiene
  • cross contamination from food allergens, pests and chemicals

The Victorian Department of Health has more information on the legal responsibilities of a Food Safety Supervisors.

Proprietors of food businesses are legally required to ensure their staff have appropriate food safety skills and knowledge and are able to prepare and serve safe and suitable food.

All food handlers should understand their responsibilities when handling food, if your staff need food handler training they can complete the online food safety training called DoFoodSafely. This is also available in multiple languages.

All Victorian hospitals are required to report all anaphylaxis cases to the Department of Health when they treat cases. Where anaphylaxis has occurred from a food business, our health officers investigate the potential risk of contamination.

If you are unsure of your responsibilities, refer to Food Allergy Aware for more information. Free online food allergen training is available to all.

Watch our food safety standards cleanliness video

More information

Health Protection
Phone: 03 8470 8658